Changes to Public Health Community Pharmacy Contract 2023

Changes to the current Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) Public Health Community Pharmacy contract  will come into effect with the contract extension commencing 1 April 2023 and ceasing 31 March 2024. Extensions will be distributed by HCC from late February 2023. If you have any questions surrounding the HCC, Public Health, Community Pharmacy contract please contact:


Sexual Health

Increase in payment for Emergency Contraception Consultation: From 1st April 2024 the payment for an Emergency Contraception procedure will increase to £18.50 (currently £15.)

Removal of Chlamydia Treatment:  As stated in the contract, the availability of chlamydia treatment forms part of the locally run National Chlamydia Screening Programme delivered by Sexual Health Hertfordshire (SHH.)  The numbers of eligible patients seen by SHH who choose to access treatment from a GP or Pharmacy is negligible, therefore the service is being altered to reflect demand and changes in consumer behaviour to accessing these resources via a digital platform. Diagnosed patients will be able to access treatment from the following services:

  • Sexual Health Service
  • Digital (online)- from 1st April 2023

Patients can also receive their treatment for chlamydia free-of-charge when treatment is prescribed through a GP practice using an FP10.

The following sexual health services will continue to be included within the contract extension which will come into effect from 1st April 2023:

Offer free emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) within 120 hours (5 days) of earliest risk to females aged 15 and under 25 years and aged at least 13 – 15 years old who are deemed to be Fraser competent under a Patient Group Directive (PGD.) All females to be registered with a GP in Hertfordshire.

Provide Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea testing kits to people 15 years and above for example when service user request or purchases condoms, when oral contraceptive pills are dispensed and supplied to patients and when supplying EHC (including those who purchase it.)

-Advise on how to utilise the Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea kit, how to return it for testing and what will happen following completion of the test in line with the approach adopted by the council.

Provide free condoms to people 16-24 years including those accessing EHC and/or Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea testing and treatment intervention.

Pharmacies currently delivering sexual health services are also encouraged to participate in the new NHS Pharmacy Contraception Service to monitor and supply repeat oral contraception via a patient group direction.


Stop Smoking

The delivery of stop smoking services will continue under the current contract.

Latest information relating to the availability of prescribed medications, Varenicline and Zyban will be highlighted in the contract extension.


Health Checks

We are not currently accepting expressions of interest or applications to deliver NHS Health Checks but will notify community pharmacies after a full evaluation has been completed.