Community Pharmacy Hertfordshire (CPH) and Transforming Pharmacy Representation (TAPR) Programme
Community Pharmacy Hertfordshire (CPH) is working hard to meet the requirements of the Transforming Pharmacy Representation (TAPR) Programme. TAPR describes the work that PSNC and LPCs are actioning to implement the series of proposals put forward for PSNC by the Pharmacy Representation Review Steering Group (RSG) and then accepted via a contractor vote.
At CPHs’ Special General Meeting (SGM) held on 30 January 2023, community pharmacy contractors approved a new model constitution for CPH. CPH has already rebranded, reduced its committee size to 11, meets the requirements of supporting at least 200 pharmacy contractors and has committed to meet the future PSNC levy.
CPH is committed to meeting the final recommendation within TAPR relating to more closely aligning to NHS Integrated Care Systems (ICS) and our current committee position is outlined within a quick glance infographic. Discussion on TAPR and any committee decisions are recorded in the minutes of the CPH committee meeting available on our CPH website.