CPH ‘Engage with the future of Community Pharmacy’ event

The CPH ‘Engage with the Future of Community Pharmacy’ event was held on Wednesday 5 July 2023 at the Fielder Centre in Hatfield. The event was well-attended and the presentations along with discussions were lively, engaging and informative.

We would like to express our thanks to all those pharmacies who attended the event who described it as follows:

One of the highlights of the event was the presentation of the CPH Awards in four categories. At the event, the awards were presented by Anil Sharma, CPE East of England Representative. CPH Awards were judged by:

  • Tony Dean, Chief Officer, Community Pharmacy Norfolk
  • Mefino Ogedegbe, Community Pharmacy Clinical Lead, Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB
  • Rob Severn, LPC Support Manager, Company Chemists’ Association
  • Rosie Taylor, Head of Service Development, Community Pharmacy England

Community Pharmacy of the Year 2022-23:

St Andrews Pharmacy

“Good work; sounds like the pharmacy team is the hub of the community and works hard to promote services and a healthy lifestyle to patients; seems like the pharmacy most adapting to future needs.”

  • Highly commended = St Andrews Pharmacy
  • Commended = Laxtons Pharmacy

Public Health Service 2022-23:

Parade Pharmacy

“Loved the outside event engagement; great to read about how the team is going above and beyond to support their patients and promote public health topics; good charity initiative.”

  • Highly commended = Archer Pharmacy
  • Commended: Jhoots Pharmacy St Albans
  • Commended: Johns and Kelynack Pharmacy
  • Commended: Boots Stevenage Queensway
  • Commended: Grovehill Pharmacy

New Medicine Service 2022-23:

How Wood Pharmacy

“Great that the whole team is involved in the delivery of this service and that a high number of NMS have been delivered.”

  • Highly commended = Parade Pharmacy
  • Highly commended = St Andrews Pharmacy
  • Commended = Bridge Cottage Pharmacy

Flu Vaccination Service 2022-23:

Crescent Pharmacy, Hertford

“Very impressive; great work delivering a high number of flu vaccinations; offered flu vaccination along with COVID vaccinations and spoke to local GP practices to maximise uptake.”

  • Highly commended = St Andrews Pharmacy
  • Commended = Laxtons Pharmacy

Avni Shah (Director of Primary Care Transformation for Hertfordshire and West Essex HWE Integrated Care Board ICB) kicked off the presentation by discussing the ICB’s priorities for community pharmacy. Avni highlighted the importance of integrating community pharmacy as a part of primary care.

Anil Sharma (CPE East of England Representative) and James Wood (Director of Contractor & LPC Support CPE) then presented the CPE’s priorities for community pharmacy. They talked about the development of new services, CPE support, and the CPE’s vision for the future of community pharmacy.

The presentations were well-received by the audience, who were keen to learn more about the future of community pharmacy during their Q&A session.

Finally, we would also like to thank our pharmaceutical sponsors for their attendance the event. Whilst they had no input to the content of the event, we continue to work closely in partnership with pharmaceutical companies for patient benefit.

Please remember CPH can support your pharmacy. Please see attached leaflet outlining how we represent you and how to find out further information. If you would like a laminated copy of this to keep in your dispensary, please email the CPH office.