New Dedicated HWE Clinical Guidance website 

A new website has been launched providing HWE ICS clinical guidance, including clinical policies, clinical pathways and prescribing advice and recommendations.
See Prescribing, Policies and Pathways (

No password is required, and the website is accessible to all. It has an effective search function and content filters which should support quick and easy access to relevant resources.

The website and content are in development and will run in parallel with the HWE ICB website clinical areas until the end of December, after this time it will be the default website.

Legacy CCG’s prescribing advice, published prior to the establishment of HWE ICB, is being reviewed for alignment/ adoption/ retirement. Resources are being added to the new website in stages as capacity allows. There are contact details available on the new website should previously commonly used resources be missing.  Legacy CCG websites will no longer be accessible after 31st Dec 2023.

Please provide constructive feedback to support continual improvement of the website.