PTPT National Funding to support expansion of pharmacy technician workforce

NHS England Workforce, Training and Education (WT&E) directorate is offering funding to support the training of pre-registration trainee pharmacy technicians (PTPTs) on a multi-sector training programme or in a community pharmacy placement. Applications open on 7 August 2023 for expressions of interest (EoI). Applications must be submitted via the online form: EOE PT National workforce form by Monday 28 August. NB please note the workforce form that we have been sent does not work so are just confirming the correct link.

Please read the attached PT Workforce Expansion Guidance 2023 before you attend the webinar.

2 x 60-minute webinar sessions will be held on 15 August 2023 to provide further details regarding this funding opportunity. You will only need to attend one session as they both contain the same information.

What do I need to do to be eligible for funding?

  • Be able to provide educational supervision from a GPhC registered pharmacy professional.
  • For a multi-sector placement you must have formed a partnership that includes a minimum of two healthcare settings, at least one of which must be responsible for delivery of day-to-day patient facing pharmacy services.
  • Complete a short on-line expression of interest with an overview of your proposed training programme. This will be used to shortlist allocation of funding.

What support is provided by NHS England WT&E?

  • Support from a dedicated pharmacy programme facilitator to offer guidance and expertise throughout the 2-year training period.
  • Employer network meetings to share experience, practice, and resources.
  • A range of resources including examples of job adverts and learning plans shared by existing training placements.