Local Services

A list of services for the community of Hertfordshire

Carers in Hertfordshire

Carers in Hertfordshire was formed in 1995 by carers as a countywide charity and became a charitable company limited by guarantee in 2000. There are more than 110,000 carers supporting someone they know with illness or disability who could not otherwise manage in Hertfordshire. Carers in Hertfordshire also support drug and alcohol misuse. It is the aim of Carers in Hertfordshire to reach as many of those carers as possible.

CPH are working closely with Carers in Hertfordshire and the CCGs to ensure that all carers receive information, advice and support via their interactions with community pharmacy in Hertfordshire. In particular that the same resources available to GP practices are available within community pharmacy: http://www.carersinherts.org.uk/help-us-help-carers/carers-health-information-for-gps.

For information on how to support carers whose life is affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol abuse please see the information available here. Further resources on substance misuse can be accessed using the links below.

Carers of people who misuse drugs or alcohol often go unrecognised and unsupported. This is due to a variety of reasons such as stigma, shame and guilt but mostly because of failure by professionals and sometimes by carers themselves to recognise that living with the impact of someone else’s addiction is a caring role.

These carers are more likely to be diagnosed with their own medical condition than non-drug using families. They suffer stress-related physical and psychological symptoms that can be severe and long-lasting and which are associated with high use of primary care services (families report higher health service related costs and use than comparison groups. Using services such as mental health, substance misuse and A&E) and they are at a similar or higher risk of disease, emotional issues and behavioural problems to families with a relative suffering from a chronic health condition.

At Carers in Hertfordshire they aim to ensure that carers whose lives are affected by the drug or alcohol misuse of a loved one are identified and made aware of the support that is available to them. They currently do this through partnership working with Public Health Commissioners and the county’s drug and alcohol treatment service providers and they want to reach more of these carers, including those carers of people who are not in treatment for their substance misuse.

They hope that by providing pharmacies with appropriate information for carers of substance misusers and the means to refer them to them, that they will reach more carers and offer them the support they want. In order to achieve this they will be sending posters to display and contact cards to hand to carers or to pop in with prescriptions.

If you do come across carers in need of support, please refer them to Carers in Hertfordshire website; there are also events and workshops which are free for unpaid carers registered with Carers in Hertfordshire.

Please do contact Carers in Herts by email or by phone on 01992 586969 should you require materials that you would like to share with your community.

Domestic Abuse Support Hub (DASH) Information

Update regarding Hertfordshire Community Outreach Service – provider of cross county domestic abuse outreach support, the new Beacon Domestic Abuse Support Hub is operating now.

The aim is to make it easier for those who need it, to access Community Outreach Services in Hertfordshire.  Members of the public and professionals who are not able to complete a domestic abuse risk assessment themselves, can do this via one access point where assessment and referrals will be completed.

For those who would like more information, you or a colleague are invited to attend an online drop-in sessions which will provide further explanation about how this service will operate and where it fits in with other domestic abuse services in Hertfordshire.  Recordings of one of the sessions for those who can’t attend will be made available, or you are welcome to call or email with any questions.

Drop in sessions

Wednesday 31st July 12pm-12.30pm Join the meeting now

Thursday 8th August 11am-11.30am Join the meeting now

Monday 9th September 4pm-4.30pm Join the meeting now

Information about this service and the phone number can be passed to the public to help us reach those who would benefit from the help and support available from the Community Outreach Services.  Information about the wider Community Outreach Services and a Hertfordshire Domestic Abuse Services Flow Chart have been attached for reference.  Those who are able to complete a DASH risk assessment can contact COS providers directly with referrals.

Beacon Domestic Abuse Support Hub Professionals Flyer

Community Outreach Service Double-District Referral Pathways July 2024

About the Community Outreach Service – July 2024












If there are individuals within your community that need help and don’t know where to turn, HertsHelp can be contacted.

HertsHelp will listen to what the individual needs and, if the individual would like them to, to telephone people and make arrangements on their behalf. Or HertsHelp can put them in touch with organisations that can help and will then call them to make sure that the individual has found the help they need.

Herts Help can be contacted in the following ways (Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm):

Email – info@hertshelp.net
Telephone – 0300 123 4044
Text hertshelp to 81025
Website – https://www.hertshelp.net/hertshelp.aspx/
By Post – HertsHelp, Hertlands House, Primett Road, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 3EE

Herts County Council - Drug Alerts

Herts County Council has provided information on local drug alerts and information form.

Herts Directory - Foodbanks and Food Providers

Herts Directory has been updated to reflect the majority of known Foodbanks and Food Providers in Hertfordshire click here for more information.


Provides support to those, and the families or carers of those, with low level support needs who have early memory loss or live with dementia. The website supplies useful information and you can find numerous resources below:

Hertswise and Hertfordshire LPC have provided a flyer for community pharmacies to simplify the Social Care Signposting to Partnership Organisations across Hertfordshire with one contact phone number (HertsHelp on 0300 123 4044).

Health in Herts

Information about Local Hertfordshire services related to health and well-being services available through Hertfordshire County Council are available here. 

Weight Management

Information on patient weight management and diet referrals can be found here.

Tier 2 weight Management referral and useful Public Health links

 Community pharmacists can now signpost patients for self-referral to the Hertfordshire Adult Weight Management Service | Oviva UK To be eligible for the service patients would need to meet certain criteria. Eligible patients can either choose Slimming World’s weekly in person group sessions or Oviva which offers a digital programme where they will receive weekly personalised support from a health coach to help manage their weight and improve health.

There are useful resources and links about local Hertfordshire services related to health and well-being that are available from Health in Herts and Healthy hubs that community pharmacies can use to signpost patients.

Healthwatch Hertfordshire

Cervical Screenings help to prevent cancer and the NHS routinely offer them to women and people with a cervix between the ages of 25-64. However, Healthwatch know that 1 in 4 do not attend their Cervical Screening test.

They are working with the NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) Primary Care Workstream to find out what people’s experience of Cervical Screening has been and any reasons why people might not take up the invitation to be screened.

So far they have heard from 135 Hertfordshire residents – it is important they keep hearing from local people so we can help our NHS improve its Cervical Screening Programme.


Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System (ICS)

Hertfordshire Health Walks

A variety of free, directed walks to encourage people of all ages and abilities to get outdoors, get more active and reap the benefits. Please take a look at their website to find a walk near you.

Hertfordshire Independent Living Service

A charitable social enterprise that provides meals-on-wheels, health and wellbeing, and community services for older people to help them stay happy, healthy, and independent at home for as long as possible.

Established in 2007 with the support of Hertfordshire County Council, HILS is the largest not-for-profit meals on wheels service in the UK.

To find out more check out their website.

Herts and West Essex Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS) resources

For all the social media assets visit LMNS Communications Resource Padlet

Healthy Hubs - Hertfordshire

Healthy Hubs Campaign have been making an impact across Hertfordshire and how local health and wellbeing services for adults can get involved.


You’re juggling to be the best mother, daughter, sister, wife, partner, best friend, colleague, good neighbour and so much more. It can be exhausting. Why not let someone else help you?

Taking your first step to change a habit or ask for help isn’t always easy. Maybe you’d like to quit smoking, get money advice or simply try a new activity to get out and about more.

We’ll take time to listen and help you find the information, advice and support you need to feel like you again. If you do one thing today, come talk to us, even if it’s just five minutes.

Find your local Healthy Hub at www.healthyhubs.org.uk/hatsoff

Whether you’re feeling isolated, struggling with your mental health or looking for some advice on a healthy, active lifestyle, you can find all the support here. Healthy Hubs have linked up with a range of
services across the district to ensure you have access to the support that is right for you.

Herts Careline

Read the latest Herts Careline newsletters

Autumn 2024

December 2023

Healthy Hub - Welwyn Hatfield

Check out Healthy Hub website – here to help you stay healthy and well.

It is everyone’s one stop shop, connecting you to local health and wellbeing events, news and support services.

The Welwyn Hatfield Healthy Hub uses the Five Ways to Wellbeing to help connect residents to the vibrant Welwyn Hatfield health and wellbeing community and provide an easy to use tool to help develop healthy habits.

Fancy a game of bowls or badminton, or maybe try your hand at archery or Scottish Dancing? Or maybe you’re interested in acupuncture, counselling or volunteering. Have a browse around the website and you’ll find information on activities, classes, sessions, therapies, consultations and news and events all happening in the local area.

General Winter Support

Herts Help have put together a winter health booklet and leaflet with practical and financial support and advice to help stay healthy and well this winter.

Local Antibiotic Formulary

Local Antibiotic Formulary

To help contractors achieve domain one (Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) criterion) of the PQS 2020-21 Part 2 which requires all patient facing staff to have an awareness of the local antibiotic formulary we have sought clarification on the local guidelines in Hertfordshire.

Herts and West Essex ICS guidelines for the management of infection in primary care can be accessed via the following link: download (hweclinicalguidance.nhs.uk)

Herts & West Essex ICB have launched a new formulary website as part of their harmonisation programme across the 3 places. The new ICB website is live and can be accessed at the link here:

Prescribing, Policies and Pathways (hweclinicalguidance.nhs.uk)

NightLight Crisis Service

Provides a listening ear, emotional support, advice and information for those in a crisis and facing distress. The service is for adults over 18 years of age in Hertfordshire.  Find out more including how to contact the service here.

Public Health Newsletters
Mental Health & Wellbeing

HPFT wellbeing service offers free and confidential talking therapy and practical support for Herts residents experiencing a whole host of mental health problems. Accessible for those over 16 years of age, registered with a GP in Hertfordshire or professionals who wish to make a referral.  Find out more here.

Hertfordshire Talking Therapies have provided extra resources to support individuals with various health need who may benefit from additional mental health support.  They are also offering face-to-face workshops or webinars, service leaflets and a 60 second information video for TV screens.  For posters and leaflets please email hpft.talkingtherapiescomms@nhs.net and for self referral please signpost patients to the portal www.hpft-talkingtherapies.nhs.uk/referral.

Hertfordshire Talking Therapies A5 Flyer

Lung LTC_A5 leaflet – Herts Mid Essex

Organisation Menu – Herts

Perinatal April 2024_A5 leaflet – Hertfordshire Mid Essex

Webinar menu – Digital

Diabetes LTC_A5 leaflet – Herts Mid Essex

Hertfordshire Over65 A5 Flyer October 2023

Hertfordshire Talking Therapies A4 Poster October 2023


Primary Care Mental Health – Hertfordshire Talking Therapies newsletters








Hertfordshire & West Essex Area Prescribing Committee (HWE APC) Medicines Optimisation Newsletters
It's Never to Late to be Active campaign

Try a new activity for free!

Hertfordshire County Council’s ‘It’s Never Too Late to be Active’ campaign can help you become more active, so that you stay strong and independent, keep your mind sharp and spark the energy you need to keep doing the things you love.

Sign up to the campaign to get a free 7-day activity pass to use at your local leisure centre, ongoing support to help you find the right activity for you and the opportunity to win prizes. You could also help your local school win £1000.

Just 20 minutes of physical activity a day provides enormous benefits to your physical and mental health, now and in the future.