Sexual Health Service

A sexual health service is a clinic or other healthcare facility that provides sexual health care services, such as: STI testing and treatment, contraception, sexual health education etc. Sexual health services are an important part of public health. They help to prevent and tackle various sexual health issues. They also provide information and support to help people make informed decisions about their sexual health.

Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) Sexual Health service from 1 April 2024

HCC has extended the provision of EHC to include women above 25 years of age from 1 April 2024 for pharmacies that are contracted to deliver the service. Service specification and the contracts were sent out to relevant pharmacy contractors. A new ‘EHC 2024’ template has been made available on PharmOutcomes .

Pharmacists are reminded that it is a legal requirement to read and sign the new PGD reflecting these changes before EHC can be dispensed to service users of 25 years and above.

A full list of sexual health services available in Hertfordshire can be found on the Sexual Health Hertfordshire Website.

Sexual Health PGDs

The PGD for the supply of Levonorgestrel effective from 1 April 2024 – 31 March 2027.

The PGD for the supply of Ulipristal effective from 1 April 2024 – 31 March 2027.

Changes to the Sexual Health Service Spec will take effect on April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024

  • Increase in payment for Emergency Contraception Consultation: from 1 April 2024 the payment for an Emergency Contraception procedure will increase to £18.50 (currently £15).
  • Removal of Chlamydia Treatment:  as stated in the contract, the availability of chlamydia treatment forms part of the locally run National Chlamydia Screening Programme delivered by Sexual Health Hertfordshire (SHH).  The numbers of eligible patients seen by SHH who choose to access treatment from a GP or pharmacy is negligible, therefore the service is being altered to reflect demand and changes in consumer behaviour to accessing these resources via a digital platform. Diagnosed patients will be able to access treatment from the following services: Sexual Health Service and Digital (online) from 1 April 2023. Patients can also receive their treatment for chlamydia free-of-charge when treatment is prescribed through a GP practice using an FP10.
  • The following sexual health services will continue to be included within the contract extension which will come into effect from 1 April 2023:
    • Offer free emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) within 120 hours (5 days) of earliest risk to females aged 15 and under 25 years and aged at least 13-15 years old who are deemed to be Fraser competent under a Patient Group Directive (PGD). All females to be registered with a GP in Hertfordshire.
    • Provide Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea testing kits to people 15 years and above for example when service user request or purchases condoms, when oral contraceptive pills are dispensed and supplied to patients and when supplying EHC (including those who purchase it).
    • Advise on how to utilise the Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea kit, how to return it for testing and what will happen following completion of the test in line with the approach adopted by the council.
    • Provide free condoms to people 16-24 years including those accessing EHC and/or Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea testing and treatment intervention.
  • Pharmacies currently delivering sexual health services can also participate in the new NHS Pharmacy Contraception Service to monitor and supply repeat oral contraception via a patient group direction.


Sexual Health Online Training Resource

To support you in the delivery of remote sexual health services and consultation guidance, there are a variety of online training programmes which have been developed. These programmes will help to satisfy the required knowledge, skills and service-specific competencies.

Please see the following training document provided by the Health Improvement Team for further guidance on sexual health.

Sexual Health service training video

Sexual Health Training Resources

Contraception resources for healthcare professionals 
Public Health Hertfordshire’s survey last year asked over 2000 service users in Hertfordshire about their contraception experience. Suggested improvements were to increase overall contraception knowledge and contraceptive counselling skills in a primary care setting, as well as increasing contraception knowledge in service users. This document lists free online training available for professionals delivering contraception services, to increase their knowledge and skills and provide the right support.

Sexual Health Updates

A new Sexual and Reproductive Health Guidance from the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health has been released. The guidance outlines essential services that must be available to women during and beyond the pandemic as well as recommendations on delivering services and prioritising patients.

Dual Testing

Due to a rise in diagnosed Gonorrhoea cases across England, including Hertfordshire, a review of local STI epidemiology data was undertaken. In response, the following changes to the current Chlamydia Screening Programme came into effect from 1 October 2020.

For more information contact SHH on 020 8102 4894 or email

Delivering a dual testing service in your pharmacy – presentation slides

Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Test Kit Order Form (March 2023)

Update: reminder for the Dual Testing Kits

Dual Testing Kit payment update:

From the 1st October the payment for any returned dual testing kits will increase to £10 per kit.

Payments will be made quarterly in arrears provided the urine sample, or self-taken vaginal swab, reaches the laboratory and is correctly labelled, including the testing venue’s site code. As stated in the Sexual Health Service specification, a dual testing kit should be offered to every patient accessing EHC.

Testing kits can be accessed by contacting:

A range of resources to promote dual testing in your pharmacy are available. ‘Get dual testing’ posters and images for social media can be downloaded from:  Printed copies can be requested from:


If you choose to use the paper form then the data from the form needs to be entered onto PharmOutcomes as soon as possible and should be no later than 10 days after the consultation date, in order to secure payment. Payment will only be paid on the basis of information entered into PharmOutcomes.

A promotional poster for the EHC service provided by HCC can be found here.

Emergency Contraceptive Services Pathway for Under 25s

Condom Order Form (Jan 2023)


Information on the Sexual Health Service can be found on Sexual Health Hertfordshire. It contains information of clinic opening times and locations for signposting along with lots of other useful resources.

People visiting the pharmacy, who require further support on sexual health advice or treatment which cannot be provided by the pharmacy can be signposted accordingly to the relevant health and social care providers.

The interactive map has been updated to reflect all pharmacies that currently have a contract with us to offer condoms, dual testing and EHC (under 25’s).

If making any referral on behalf of a young person, contact the services in advance to see if they are open and the appropriate staff are available to offer support.

As DHSC have decommissioned the Sexwise website you will be able to to use Contraception Choices website for contraception and reproductive health, the NHS ( search sexual health) for Sexually Transmitted Infections and THT for HIV advice.

Local sources of help can still be accessed via a range of sources;

Pharmacies in Hertfordshire contracted to provide Sexual Health service

Sexual Health Newsletters

Read the latest HIV update from Public Health which contains information and links to the HIV Drug interaction website and local HIV testing, treatment and support services.