Welcome to the website of Community Pharmacy Hertfordshire providing support, guidance and advice to community pharmacy within Hertfordshire. It is our vision that community pharmacies are an integrated and equal partner in the health and care landscape for the benefit of patients. Our full strategic plan and workstreams are available on our committee pages.
It is important to remember that you can claim for both supervised consumption and unsupervised consumption under the Core MAT service. We have a range of resources available and our team is also on hand to discuss any other queries you may have.
We have updated our Pharmacy Contraception Service webpage. Check it out for the latest information
Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board (HWE ICB) has been selected as one of 15 pilot areas nationally to receive funding for both dental and optometry services to offer blood pressure checks. In cases where a high BP reading is detected, these providers will signpost patients to a local community pharmacy that is providing the hypertension case-finding service from information on the NHS website.
Each Primary Care Network (PCN) now has a Community Pharmacy PCN Engagement Lead. Find out who your lead is and get in touch with any questions or just to connect!
Community Pharmacy Hertfordshire is revising its three-year strategic plan, and we need your input! This online survey is your chance to share your vision for the future…
Community Pharmacy England (CPE) have produced a number of Pharmacy First myth busters, please find the full series available below: Pharmacy First Myth Busters Series…
As you may be aware, there are currently a high number of cases of influenza nationally, and in the East of England region. This is…
NHS England has now released the door posters to display the opening times for community pharmacies over the Christmas period which can be found on…
Community Pharmacy Hertfordshire (CPH) has made a submission to the Government’s development of a 10-year Health Plan for the NHS, highlighting the benefits of increased…
NHS England has announced that from late February and May 2025, the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) will be fully extended to Detained Estate healthcare services…
To enhance the security of the NHSmail system, the NHSmail team is updating its security arrangements. Users are being notified to replace their current security…
MHRA Class 3 Medicines Recall: Glucophage® SR 500 mg, 750mg and 1000mg prolonged-release tablets (Bruno Farmaceutici SpA, Italy) PL: Parallel Imports from the Italian market…
As part of the catch up for the NMS service checking inhaler technique, ensuring patients…
CPE have released their 2025 Pharmacy Pressures Survey, click here to complete it now!
CPH have also released a Strategic Plan Survey, click here to complete it now!