CGL are commissioned to provide drugs and alcohol services within Hertfordshire by Hertfordshire County Council and they subcontract supervised consumption and needle exchange services from some community pharmacies. The Change Grow Live Service Level Agreement (SLA) for community pharmacists can be accessed here.

If you would like to sign up for any service and have any queries regarding a service you can contact CGL Spectrum via their countywide email

New Core MAT Service

The Core Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) service is commissioned by CGL in Hertfordshire and replaces the supervised consumption service effective from 1 April 2024.  Existing providers and pharmacy contractors who want to provide the service will need to sign up to the new service. Please ensure the following paperwork is returned to Abbie Carver via email to by 31 March 2024.

All MAT service users are to complete a new 4-way agreement which includes the expectation to attend an Annual Pharmacist Review (Appendix 1).

Enrolment for service user registration for the new Core MAT opens on 25 March 2024.

If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Chris Bates at in the first instance.


The SLA and other resources are available below:

Service Level Agreement for the Core MAT Service April 2024

PharmOutcomes Guide for the Core MAT Service

Minor changes to the PharmOutcomes Core MAT template

Short presentation on key changes to the core MAT service and PharmOutcomes Guide (click the “slide show” tab and then click “from beginning” to play)

FAQs for the Core MAT Service

Presentation slides from training event on 6 March 2024

Video recording from training event on 6 March 2024

Supervised Consumption Service

The supervised consumption programme in Hertfordshire is commissioned by CGL.

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for community pharmacists providing supervised consumption of medication can be accessed here.

Needle Exchange Service

The needle exchange service provided by community pharmacy is commissioned by CGL.

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for community pharmacists providing needle exchange incorporating take home Naloxone can be accessed here.

A map of those pharmacies and CGL hubs for needle exchange services is available here.

CGL Pharmacy Newsletters
CGL Medicine Update and Changes

CPH encourages those with service users to ensure you:

  • have contact numbers for all service users;
  • have communicated with CGL how they can contact you easily in an emergency; and
  • be aware that CGL staff or possibly couriers will deliver the prescriptions to the pharmacy and would be grateful if you could aim not to make them wait long periods of time although recognise your current workload.

If you need any support in ordering or how to encourage service users to take a Naloxone kit, please get in contact with Trudy Sealy on 07881 335213.

To contact CGL please telephone 0800 652 3169 or email on

Support Information for Families and Carers

For support for families affected by drug abuse visit the website Families Anonymous.  The website Adfam provides support for people affected by drug or alcohol abuse.

Hertfordshire Drug Alert Notification Form

If you are aware of any drug related incidences that require reporting please use the attached form Hertfordshire Drug Alert Notification Form