Discharge Medicine Services (DMS)
Discharge Medicine Service (DMS)
15th February 2021 saw the start of NHS Trust referrals to community pharmacies in England under the NHS Discharge Medicines Service (DMS).Which is an Essential service within the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF). It should be noted that as an essential service, community pharmacy contractors cannot choose whether they provide the service.
Contractors need to ensure relevant staff, including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, who will be involved in providing the service, have the necessary knowledge and competence to undertake DMS safely. As a minimum, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who will provide the service should:
- Read the section on DMS within the NHS England guidance on the regulations; and
- Read the DMS toolkit.
- It is recommended that they also complete the CPPE NHS Discharge Medicines Service eLearning and assessment
Once a pharmacist or pharmacy technician has undertaken appropriate learning related to the service, they must complete the DMS Declaration of Competence.
DMS HPFT Presentation to Community Pharmacies
DMS Referral Expansion from Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT)