Pharmacy Contraception Service

The Pharmacy Contraception Service has been expanded from 1 December 2023 – please see the updated specification and Patient Group Directions (PGDs)

The expanded service will enable pharmacists to initiate oral contraception, as well as continuing to provide ongoing management of oral contraception that was initiated in general practice or a sexual health clinic (or equivalent).

Pharmacy owners will need to provide both elements of the service.

Community pharmacies providing the Pharmacy Contraception Service are mapped here (updated 22 April 2024)

Find a pharmacy that offers the contraception pill without a prescription

For more information, webinars and resources on the Pharmacy Contraception Service please visit the CPE website.

Pharmacy Contraception Service webinar and presentation slides
Marketing Materials

Please visit the CPE website and check their resources section for all marketing material for the service.

The attached marketing materials are now available to use to promote the Advanced Pharmacy Contraception Service. These will need to be printed locally:

Contraception Management – translated marketing material

A selection of translated marketing materials has been provided to support the Community Pharmacy Contraception Management Advanced Service Tier 1.

The information within these are the same as the current material that is available and includes posters and business cards that have been translated into the following languages:

  • Bengali
  • Urdu
  • Polish
  • Punjabi



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