8 Care Process training for HCAS/Nurses/Community Pharmacists
CDEP Online Diabetes
The CDEP 8 care Process training programme aims to upskill HCAS, Nurses and Community Pharmacists in the Diabetes 8 care processes.
The course provides bite-sized, competency-based online training for the eight care processes.
Staff can access training in their own time from a smartphone, laptop or desktop. Each topic completed, generates its own certificate and reflection form.
The benefits of undertaking the course include:
• Practices meet more QOF targets;
• Increase (over time) in the uptake/completion of 8 care processes across primary care;
• Reduction in GP time and costs
• Addresses gaps in primary care workforce and over time will create a multi-disciplinary skilled workforce in primary care;
• Promotes a shared learning culture, where Primary Care teams can share ways of working with other practices (based on new models of care);
• Training is free and modules can be completed in clincian’s own time.
Please see the course flyer for more details.