Book now for CPE’s Category M webinar
23rd January 2024 7pm
Community Pharmacy England will be hosting a webinar on Drug Tariff Category M and retained margin on Tuesday, 23 January at 7pm.
While changes to Category M prices are intended to ensure delivery of the agreed retained margin of £800m to the community pharmacy sector, the system is complex and the impact on individual pharmacies can vary considerably. The current reimbursement system has also failed to keep pace with the massive growth in prescription volumes over the last decade, meaning that margins have been spread thinner. The Category M pricelist for January 2024 has brought the situation to the fore.
Sign up to the webinar and hear from CPE’s Funding and Reimbursement Team about the processes behind the delivery of margin and how Category M fits into wider pharmacy funding mechanisms.
Book your place now (note, registration will close at 12 noon on the day of the event)