Diabetes Plus service (St Albans and Harpenden)
10th January 2019 12.30pm to 2.30pm (food served from 12noon)
Batchwood Golf Course & Sports Centre, Batchwood Drive, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 5XA
Hertfordshire LPC have set up two training dates in early 2019 so we could provide you with the support in order to deliver the service over the next three months before the end of March 2019.
We would strongly encourage all pharmacists delivering the service to attend one of these events. If you are the pharmacy champion for this service then this is a must attend event so you can appropriately cascade the message to your team.
The events have been planned with an anticipated outcome of:
- boosting confidence to identify, approach and undertake a consultation with patients;
- providing practical hints and tips on undertaking the patient consultation;
- further understanding the service with an opportunity to ask questions, and
- helping to communicate the message to your teams in order to identify patients.
Please confirm your availability to attend by emailing info@cpherts.org.uk with the names of who will be attending from your pharmacy and your pharmacy name.