Hertfordshire Tobacco Control Alliance Vaping Webinar

23rd February 2023 14:00-16:00pm


Hertfordshire Tobacco Control Alliance are hosting a free online informative webinar focusing on vaping in February, with guest speakers from Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), Kings College London and the Hertfordshire Health Improvement Service (HHIS).

The webinar will be delivered via Microsoft Teams

On Thursday 23rd February, 14:00 – 16:00

To book your place please visit our Eventbrite page.


Or to request a meeting invitation please email – smokefree.hertfordshire@hertfordshire.gov.uk  and we will add you to the meeting.

Our guests will be presenting on the following areas:

  • Harm reduction and vaping – Leonie Brose, Kings College
  • Love Your Bump campaign and voucher scheme in Hertfordshire – HHIS
  • Young people and vaping – Hazel Cheeseman and John Waldron, ASH

There will also be a presentation delivered on smoking in pregnancy.