11th June 2018 7.30pm to 9.30pm Buffet served from 7pm
The View (formerly Fairway Tavern) Old Herns Lane, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2ED
As a result of comments to Hertfordshire LPC from concerned pharmacists about revalidation Hertfordshire LPC are running an event open to pharmacists and technicians to support you with this process.
Revalidation is a process which will help you to keep your professional skills and knowledge up to date. It will help you to show how you provide the safe and effective care patients and the public expect, as set out in the standards for pharmacy professionals.
It provides further assurance to the people using pharmacy services that their trust in pharmacy professionals is well placed and that pharmacy professionals are continuing to meet the standards throughout their careers.
A representative from the Professional Development and Engagement Team, Royal Pharmaceutical Society will run their revalidation roadshow
A representative from the GPhC as the regulatory body will attend to answer any queries on the night and to give the GPhC expectations
Further details and to sign up here. Places are only available for Hertfordshire community pharmacy staff to attend.