Webinar: Developing an East of England Community Pharmacy Strategy
28th March 2022 12:30pm - 14:00pm
Online Webinar
Community Pharmacy is changing, and NHSE&I want your views and input on what is important and how to enable and support this change. Your feedback will help give focus to the things that will have the most beneficial impact on patients, community pharmacy and the wider health community. This will be used to develop a five-year rolling East of England Community Pharmacy Strategy due to be in place by July 2022. The strategy is being coordinated by NHSE&I , but the six Integrated Care Systems are driving the agenda.
To help in the development of the strategy, NHSE&I is holding six system facing interactive webinars to hear and understand your views and experiences.
To register for the event specifically for Hertfordshire and West Essex System, follow the link.
For any further information, please contact agem.hub@nhs.net.