Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) Sexual Health service from 1 April 2024

HCC has extended the provision of EHC to also include women above 25 years of age from 1 April 2024 for those who are contracted to deliver the service. Service specification and the contracts have been sent out to relevant pharmacy contractors as a DocuSign document. Please ensure you read the service specification and sign the contract to be able to provide the service.

The necessary governance in order to produce a new PGD reflecting this change has taken place and copies of these PGDs will be circulated to relevant pharmacies today following the bank holiday weekend.

A new ‘EHC 2024’ template will be made available on the 2 April. If EHC is being dispensed to a service user of 25 years or above please ensure that PGD HCC202402v1.0 commencing 1 April 2024 is signed. If this PGD has not been signed treatment can only be provided to service users under 25 years of age under the existing PGD (HCC202010v2.5) using the ‘EHC 2022’ template on PharmOutcomes. CPH has been working with the public health team and have requested for the old ‘ EHC 2022’ template to continue to be available on PharmOutcomes for a short period of time to give pharmacists enough time to read and sign the new PGDs before making a supply using the new PGDs.

Please be reminded that it is a legal requirement for pharmacists to read and sign the new PGD reflecting these changes before EHC can be dispensed to service users of 25 and above.