Pharmacy First: Claim window now open for initial £2,000 fixed payment


Pharmacy owners who intend to provide the Pharmacy First service are now able to claim their initial £2,000 fixed payment.

All pharmacy owners who want to provide the Pharmacy First service (including those already providing the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) must declare that they agree to the terms and scope of the three elements of the Pharmacy First service (NHS Referrals for Minor Illness, Urgent Medicine Supply and the Clinical Pathway Consultations) on the NHS Business Services Authority Manage Your Service (MYS) portal.

The deadline for making this declaration is 11.59pm on 30th January 2024; however pharmacy owners who register by 11.59pm on 31st December 2023 will receive the payment on 1st February 2024 (those who register after this date but by 11.59pm on 30th January 2024, will receive the payment on 1st March 2024 instead).

Pharmacy owners who do not register by 11.59pm on 30th January 2024, will still be able to sign up for the Pharmacy First service after this date, but they will not be entitled to the £2,000 initial fixed payment.

Pharmacy owners must deliver a minimum of five Pharmacy First – clinical pathway consultations that cross the Gateway point by 11.59pm on 31st March 2024 to keep this £2,000 payment. Pharmacy owners who do not do this will have the £2,000 recovered.

Further information can be found on the CPE website.