MECC Training dates 2023/2024
MECC Training
The MECC training packages available provide three options that help support professionals in their roles within the community.
MECC Lite and MECC support initial conversations from as little as 30 seconds to 10 minutes with residents who can benefit from information, encouragement and signposting. MECC Plus is an accredited training session that allows professionals to develop their healthy conversation skills for discussions over ten minutes, encouraging residents to create a behavioural change plan and empowering them to support change.
The MECC Avatar is also available to support the MECC training delivered for testing your own skills and knowledge in a virtual scenario.
There is something for everyone when it comes to applying MECC as we support the health and wellbeing of Hertfordshire residents.
The Following MECC Training courses have now been made available by Hertfordshire Improvement Services:
- Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Plus Training
- MECC Training
- MECC Lite Training