Varenicline- PGD Training

31st October 2017 6.30pm to 9.00pm

Hatfield Fire Station, AL10 0DA

This class will enhance knowledge and skills around the Varenicline PGD enabling pharmacists to supply Varenicline where clinically appropriate

Master Classes by Viral Doshi : Viral himself is a level 3 stop smoking advisor and holds a full NCSCT certification as a stop smoking practitioner. He updates and trains healthcare professionals
including GP’s, Pharmacists, Dentists and Nurses to a level 2 standard (a requirement necessary before a stop smoking clinic may be run). His role also involves the production of Patient Group Directions for smoking cessation medication and Protocols, one of which is for the direct supply of Nicotine Replacement Therapy by named professionals. He has also been invited to implement his ideas, PGD’s and protocols to many other local authorities in London and around the country.

The PGD accreditation will be signed on the evening of the event subject to:

• The pharmacist is registered with the GPhC
• The pharmacist has completed the CPPE e-learning module in Smoking Cessation. Available here: Learning about stop smoking support : CPPE and returned a copy of the certificate to HSSS in advance of the training
• The Pharmacist has achieved the competency levels specified in the NICE Competency Framework for Health Professional using Patient Group Directions

• The pharmacist is familiar with the service specification standards for providing a stop smoking service in Hertfordshire
• N.B. Pre-registration pharmacy students may attend the training. They can apply for accreditation following qualification and on submission of evidence of continuing professional development in smoking cessation.

Qualified pharmacists who are already delivering a stop smoking service may count this as an annual update.


More information on how to register for the event, Varenicline PGD Masterclass Flyer 2