Pharmacy Closures

There may be occasions when a contractor is unable to open its premises for a reason that is beyond its control.

Where there is a temporary closure outside of the contractor’s control, they are required by the 2013 Regulations to notify the NHS England Area Team. Hertfordshire contractors need to notify any closures via the following email address: 

You can complete this form and and send it to the above email address to determine whether any follow up action is required.

Clients receiving pharmacy services for supervised consumption or daily controlled drugs collection can be left especially vulnerable when a pharmacy is unable to open at short notice. Pharmacies providing these services should give careful consideration as to how this patient group can be supported should the pharmacy be unable to open. Please make sure you have notified local commissioners and providers supporting you to provide this sort of service.

For supervised consumption and needle exchange please inform

For smoking cessation please inform
East & North Herts: Sharon O’Connor (01438 844733)
West Herts (Herts Valleys): Lauren Arthur (01438 845924)

For sexual health services please inform:

For all other Public Health services please inform

Full details for all pharmacy closures can be found on the CPE website

Planned Temporary Closure

A pharmacy owner can apply to the ICB for permission to temporarily suspend the provision of pharmaceutical services (closure of the pharmacy), for example, to close for two or three days during a planned refit. If the ICB is satisfied that the circumstances are appropriate, and at least three months notice has been given, they may agree to the suspension of services (closure of the pharmacy).

NHS England has published a template application form (see Pharmacy Manual Chapter 36, Annex 19 – Planned temporary suspension of services) and a list of ICB email addresses.

For full details please refer to the Planned Temporary Suspensions/Closures section of the CPE website

Unplanned Temporary Closure

In the event of an unplanned temporary suspension (closure), you must:

  • Notify your ICB – you should use the unplanned temporary suspension of services notification form and send the completed form to the relevant ICB team (using the relevant email address on the pharmacy contract teams’ web page) as soon as practicable and wherever possible before the start of the suspension/closure;
  • Use all reasonable endeavors to implement your Business Continuity Plan for Temporary Suspensions (Template Plan) and you can use the Checklist; and
  • Use all reasonable endeavors to resume the provision of pharmaceutical services as soon as is practicable.

For full details please refer to the Unplanned Temporary Suspensions/Closures section of the CPE website