Making Every Contact Count and Safeguarding Level One – Training for Pharmacy staff
17th April 2018 9.00AM TO 1.30PM - Refreshments and registration will be from 9.00am – 9. 30am, (A light lunch will be served from 1.00pm – 1. 30pm)
Best Western Homestead Court Hotel - Homestead Lane Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 4LX
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is about encouraging and helping people to make healthier choices to achieve positive long-term behaviour change. To do this community pharmacy can support continuous health improvement through the contacts it has with individuals. Doing this will improve health and wellbeing amongst patients, customers and staff help to reduce health inequalities. The training will cover brief interventions, stop smoking, sexual health, weight, alcohol, mental health and signposting.
Safeguarding (level one) Safeguarding is implemented to protect the health, well-being and human rights of individuals, which allow people especially children, young people and vulnerable adults to live free from abuse, harm and neglect. From the training you will also have a clearer understanding of the skills, knowledge and confidence to deal with safeguarding issues. This training meets level one standards and there will be the opportunity to take this learning back to the pharmacy to share with other members of the team.
The training will be presented by: –
Zara Mehra, Regional Manager, East of England, CPPE Alison Walsh, Herts Health Improvement Service, Herts County Council
Treena Beard, Nurse Specialist Safeguarding Children, Herts Valley CCG
Siobhan Appleton, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Children’s Nurse, East & North Herts CCG
Alison Walsh, Assistant Manager, Herts Health Improvement Service
Here is the flyer with further information.
To book your place at the above event email your name and the name of your pharmacy to