Pharmacy Quality Scheme 2023/24

This year’s PQS launched on 1 June 2023 and consists of one gateway criterion (NMS) and three domains with annual funding of £45 million to support national health priorities. It builds on previous work around respiratory disease, antimicrobial stewardship and improving access to end-of-life medicines.

To aid contractors, here is a document aimed to highlight upcoming important dates and training requirements. The full NHS England guidance can be found here. We encourage pharmacy contractors to review the guidance document to support understanding of the requirements for this year’s PQS.

For further information please view the CPE website.

PQS Aspiration Payment Window

Community pharmacy contractors will be able to make a claim for an aspiration payment for the PQS 2023/24 on the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) Manage Your Service (MYS) portal from 4 September 2023.

This payment is optional and not claiming will not impact a contractor’s ability to claim payment for the PQS 2023/24 during the declaration period.

If contractors wish to claim for an aspiration payment, they should review the requirements of the PQS 2023/24 and decide which domains they intend to meet when they make their PQS declaration between 9:00 on 5 February 2024 and 23:59 on 1 March 2024. The full PQS guidance can be found here.

Contractors who wish to claim an aspiration payment must do so between 9:00 on 4 September 2023 and 23:59 on 29 September 2023. The aspiration payment will be paid on 1 November 2023.

PQS – TARGET Treating Your Infection (TYI) Leaflets Report and Data Collection Tool

Community pharmacy contractors taking part in PQS will be able to access the TARGET TYI Leaflet data collection tool via the MYS portal from 1 September 2023. A printable data collection tool will also be available from the NHSBSA website.

Prior to carrying out the data collection, contractors will need to familiarise themselves with the findings and recommendations published in the report from the data collection carried out in the 2022/23 PQS available here.